Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 2: 66 Degrees

The original forecast for today was high 90's, and I had planned a morning hike, so in an effort to beat the heat I rolled out of bed at 8am, donned my hiking gear (jazz pants and a tank top) and covered every inch of my exposed skin in gobs 50spf sunscreen. I understand now why they make special sunscreen chapstick for your lips. That stuff tastes like battery acid. I looked positively iridescent but I was super proud of my advanced sun protection until I stepped out of the door.

Today's weather never got above 66 degrees.

I am a G.R.I.T.S (girl raised in the south) through and through, and I enjoy the dog days of summer. They bring back memories of sticky August evenings spent hanging out in the rocking chairs on my Grandmommy's porch, the smell of dinner cooking in her kitchen, The Jefferson's and Judge Wapner on TV. My Granddaddy keeping cool by drinking ice water out of the glass jug he kept in the refrigerator. Sitting barefoot around the kitchen table with the sliced tomatoes on my plate that I initially hated but learned to enjoy.

I must admit though that California weather is capturing this girl's heart. This was a picture perfect Fall day. It was cold in August. I wore a hoodie. Tonight in Trader Joe's a lady had on a turtleneck. In August. This weather is the most wonderful gift of absolute mind-numbing absurdity.

My hike was great. I listened to Michael Jackson, Rascal Flatts and Boys II Men, climbed at a respectable pace, dropped my keys, breathed in crisp cool air, dropped my coin purse, grinned at fellow hikers, tripped over rocks, looked at horses and got tangled up in my iPod cord.

After 45 minutes of climbing, I saw this on the steepest part of the mountain leading up to the peak:

I don't know where he entered the trail, but as I stumbled up (as I always do on this part) sliding on sand and rocks, this elderly man and his cane went up with ease. He smiled at me as I took my place next to him on the bench and for a few minutes we both enjoyed the view.

Today California felt like home.

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