Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 4: Normalcy

I'm beginning to get spoiled by Fall in August. It was beautiful and cool, and it was dark by 7:30. Here I thought I was going to miss having a Fall and God goes and gives me one.

We hashed out some schedule changes at the studio today. Overall, I'm excited about where we're heading and I must say that getting to go through this process is an incredible experience.

I had been running the studio alone for several weeks, and though it was stressful, it wasn't a bad stress. But it was interesting and disturbing to not be able to enjoy dance. I couldn't concentrate in class because I was constantly worried about whether a nail was going to pop through the floor (an effect of the new floor settling) or if someone would be towed for parking incorrectly or if my front desk person had enough petty cash, had everyone signed a release, etc... I was glad that I could multitask, answer questions, and keep everything going, but I was missing the joy that comes from completely letting go and going wherever the experience takes you. It feels really good to have Ryan & Kct back. We're all still adjusting. They are adjusting to not being consumed with NYC and the phenomenal undertaking that was the T project. I'm adjusting to the fact that although I now know every centimeter of that studio, can put my hands on anything without having to think about where it is and have created an airtight system of payroll, class tracking, filing etc... I no longer have to do it alone.

Tonight I took class and was able to concentrate on movement and corrections and my biggest external concern was reopening the burns on my elbows and knees. I gave in and experienced joy.

After class I enjoyed conversation and a dinner full of laughter with Maurice and Austin. My first time eating pho and I LOVED it! I could eat it everyday! Since it's cheap and within walking distance of the studio, I may do just that.

R, K and I got the Christmas calendar done and I will be home from the 23rd to the 1st. I'm expecting a phone call from my sister on Thursday. Praying for good news.

Today was normal. And that is all kinds of good.

1 comment:

  1. :) i never had a fall or spring back home, it was about 2 days long, always extremely hot or cold, you could always count on one more big freeze on easter and Halloween was the first day of winter. The weather was always ruining my outfit plans :)
