Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 22: Panic Attacks and Apple Pie

me: "I'm not breathing out enough!"
"That's because your shoulders are on your earlobes."
me: "What if I hyperventilate?!"
"You won't. Just stand up and breathe."
me: "Oh."

I'm a bit of a perfectionist and so the fact that I won't be at the studio on our first Saturday of classes tomorrow is making me nuts. The fact that I'm leaving it in the hands of two people who have never worked there before is testing my breathing reflex.

Saturday is my only day off and I feel guilty.

I love it.

I love that I have a job at a place that I care so much about.
I love that one of my seasoned people volunteered to spend her day helping the new folks run the studio.
I love that even though she volunteered, I had to fight the urge to forgo my only day off to be there.
I love that I'm still fighting it.
I love that as frustrated and stressed as I sometimes feel, I am happy that this is the place I get to go everyday.

I also love that my friend K'Beetle'D convinced me to meet her at the House of Pie on the corner of Franklin and Vermont tonight for chicken wings and apple pie. Because there is nothin' about a panic attack that a l'il sugar can't fix. 


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